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We are a beacon of HOPE in a troubled world. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, our services and sermons are tailored to meet the needs of everyone, regardless of age or issues of life.
Our sermons are anointed and relatable, often presented with practical examples that are applicable to daily life.
The Hope Temple Pentecostal Church of God (Trinity) in Waterford had its early beginnings in May 1982, when its first seven members were baptized.
The journey began at Block Five in a small board building with dirt floor and rough boards for benches. Sweet was the worship, and deep was the fellowship, as the late Pastor Rosebelle Fuller fed the word with great power. The congregation grew, with two more baptisms being held within the same year. From thence, we knew there was no looking back.
Pastor Fuller continued pastoring until 1988 when ill health forced her to discontinue. The task was then handed over to Minister Donald Walters, a fresh graduate of the Jamaica Open Bible Institute. Approximately a month after receiving his pastorate, the strength and fortitude of Pastor Walters was tested. Hurricane Gilbert came on September 12, 1988, and completely destroyed the church building. With no place to worship Pastor Walters began the search for temporary accommodation.
​Determined to share the vision of 'HOPE', the Waterford Infant School offered a classroom the following month, which was readily accepted. It was a joyous time to be back in worship and the preaching of the word. The church later moved to a small woodwork shed at Block Two, where the 'faithful few' continued until a location was granted just opposite the shed.​ A wooden structure was built in 1989 and remained until 1996 when construction of the new edifice began around it. In 1997 the dedication of the new 'cathedral' was celebrated.​
Still set on sharing the vision, Pastor Walters began The Word Alive Bible School on the church ground in September 2002 and established the broadcasting of Divine Worship Services for 12 years, on channel 2 on Oliver's Cable Network. The broadcasts were discontinued in 2015 and live streaming via our web page was instituted. Services have since been broadcast three times per week on MTM via Flow Cable Network and 24 hours around the globe via the internet.

Sundays .........................
Tuesdays .......................
Wednesdays .................
Thursdays .....................
Fridays ...........................
Sunday School at 8:00 a.m.
Divine Worship Service at 9:00 a.m.
Evangelistic Service at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Bible School at 7:00 p.m.
Ladies' Service at 7:30p.m.
Men's Service at 7:30p.m.
Youth Service at 7:30p.m.
All our members have the opportunity to be a part of any of our vibrant ministries. This is where you are afforded the privilege of sharing in God's work as we strive together to advance the Kingdom of God.
The Hope Temple Pentecostal Church of God (Trinity), in Waterford is one of over forty affiliate churches of the Pentecostal Church of God, Jamaica branch. We adhere and subscribe to all the essential values, outlined below, as foundational doctrine and hold them as absolute beliefs.
Taken from the PCG General Bylaws 2024: Beliefs & Bylaws (
Retrieved: April 17, 2024
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